Press & Media

  • European Constitutional Law Review (Cambridge)
    The European Constitutional Law Review (EuConst), a peer-reviewed English-language journal, is a platform for advancing the study of European constitutional law, its history and its evolution. Published in four issues per year, it contains articles on doctrine, theory and practice, plus case notes and book reviews. EuConst is addressed at academics, professionals, politicians and all those involved or interested in the European constitutional process.

  • International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON)
    Published in association with the New York University School of Law, ICON is dedicated to advancing the study of international and comparative constitutional law in the broadest sense of the terms.

  • I-CONnect Blog (Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law)
    A place for real-time updates on important new constitutional cases, amendments, constitution-making efforts and other new developments. Forum for thoughtful analysis of major issues in the field of comparative constitutional law. This will include discussions of the best scholarship in the field, including book reviews, debates and responses to articles that will appear in I-CON. Identify new voices in the field, from all over the world.

  • European Law Blog
    Category: EU Constitutional Law. The blog aims at highlighting and commenting on current developments in EU case law and legislation, but will also discuss new relevant legal literature. The posts provide concise, up to date commentary on legal developments within the EU. It aims at delivering high quality legal analysis, but in a style that is typical to legal blogs: short, informal, and at times opinionated and spicy.

  • La Constitution décodée
    Un site qui entend offrir un regard pédagogique, analytique et critique sur des sujets de droit constitutionnel ou qui relèvent de la vie politique et parlementaire en France.

  • VerfassungsBlog
    Academic and Journalistic open access forum of debate on topical events and developments in constitutional law and politics in Germany, the emerging European constitutional space and beyond. It sees itself as an interface between the academic expert discourse on the one hand and political public sphere on the other. Also, space for legal and political controversy and debate.

  • Constitution Daily Blog
    Smart conversation from the National Constitution Center to increase awareness and understanding of the US Constitution.

  • Constitutional Law Prof Blog
    Law Professor Blogs, LLC is the nation’s only network of legal blogs edited primarily by law professors. Law Professor Blogs, LLC’s legal blogs are edited by over 100 law professors, deans, and lawyers. Editors include leading scholars and educators who are committed to providing the web source of legal news, information, commentary, and analysis for law professors, practitioners, government and nonprofit lawyers, and students in their respective fields. Most of the network’s blogs are owned by Law Professor Blogs, LLC. Several blogs are affiliates of the network. /

  • Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy
    Through an analysis of some of our important constitutional cases, past and present, I seek to engage with the set of diverse political and philosophical values that underlies the text of the Constitution, and has informed its interpretation over the years. These values may be articulate or inarticulate premises of judicial decisions; they may harmonise both horizontally (across constitutional provisions) and vertically (at different levels of abstraction within the same provision), or they may be in irreconcilable conflict. The idea is to arrive at a tentative understanding of the kinds of values that judges invoke in important constitutional cases, and the manner in which they do so – and then to critically question them at both levels. The primary – but by no means exclusive – focus of this blog is upon Part III, or the Bill of Rights.

  • The UK Constitutional Law Association Blog
    Since its launch in November 2010, the UKCLA blog has developed into an invaluable repository of expert comment and analysis on matters of constitutional law in the UK and further afield. Blog posts have been cited in academic writing, official publications and in the news media.