Chara Kafka Cyprus Scientific Collaborator at the European University Cyprus and Legal Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs at Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Greece.
Konstantinos Tsimaras, Cyprus Dean, Associate Professor, Public Law at the European University Cyprus. Professeur de Droit Public à l’Université Européenne de Chypre et Doyen de l’Ecole de Droit.
Vojtěch Šimíček. Czech Republic Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science Masaryk University. Doctoral Committee: Constitutional Law and Theory of State Vojtech.
David Kosar, Czech Republic Head of the Judicial Studies Institute and Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno
Ladislav Vyhnánek, Czech Republic Assistant professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at Masaryk University.
Jan Filip. Czech Republic Professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at Masaryk University.
Zdeněk Koudelka, Czech Republic Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at Masaryk University.
Pavel Molek, Czech Republic Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science Masaryk University.
Jan Svatoň, Czech Republic Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at Masaryk University.
Robert Zbíral, Czech Republic Associate professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science Masaryk University.
Jaroslav Benák, Czech Republic Assistant professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science Masaryk University.
Pavel Kandalec, Czech Republic Assistant professor, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science Masaryk University
Julien Jeanneney, France Professor of Law at the University of Strasbourg. His research focuses on constitutional law, constitutional theory, administrative law, and international law.
Véronique Champeil-Desplats, France En: Professor at the University Paris Ouest-Nanterre. Her research is focused on fundamental and human rights, legal theory and constitutional law. Director of the CREDOF (Centre de Recherche et d’étude sur les droits fondamentaux, at the University Paris X ouest-Nanterre) since 2006, she wrote her PhD in 197 under the supervision of Michel Troper. Fr: Professeure de droit public Vice présidente déléguée à la recherche de l’Université Paris Nanterre Vice présidente de la Section 02 du CNU Membre du Conseil scientifique de la BDIC Membre du Comité scientifique de la Chaire UNESCO « droits de l’homme, violence, gouvernance » Présidente de la Société Française de Philosophie juridique Vice-Présidente de l’IVR (World Congress for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy) Directrice de la Revue des droits de l’Homme.
Dominique Rousseau, France Professeur de droit constitutionnel à Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, ancien membre du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature de 2002 à 2006.
Mathieu Touzeil-Divina, France Professeur de droit public à l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (Institut Maurice Hauriou). Le Pr. Touzeil-Divina encadre actuellement plusieurs doctorant.e.s (en droits constitutionnel et parlementaire, en histoire du droit administratif, en droit des services publics, en droit de la santé et des fonctions publiques ainsi qu’en droit public comparé) et il a par ailleurs fondé en 2004 une association juridique (le Collectif L’Unité du Droit (CLUD)), des éditions (2012) ainsi qu’un réseau international (le Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Droit Public dit LM-DP) au sein duquel il a créé et dirige la Revue Méditerranéenne de Droit Public.–535910.kjsp
Mathieu Maisonneuve, France Professor in Public Law at Aix-Marseille University. Taught Public Law at Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut for 2 years.
Vahit Polat, France Titulaire d’un doctorat de sciences juridiques et lauréat d’un prix d’excellence, Maître Vahit Polat a d’abord enseigné le droit européen et constitutionnel. Fort de son expérience, il crée son cabinet d’avocat et de conseil d’abord à Saint Étienne, puis à Lyon. Il accompagne depuis de nombreuses années des entreprises et des particuliers, tant au niveau du conseil que du contentieux.
Jean-Philippe Derosier, France Jean-Philippe Derosier est professeur de droit à l’Université Lille 3. Il est également l’auteur du blog La Constitution décodée.
Xavier Magnon, France Fr:: Xavier Magnon est professeur de droit public à l’université d’Aix-Marseille, directeur de l’institut Louis Favoreu (UMR 7318 CNRS), Groupe d’Études et de Recherches sur la Justice Constitutionnelle. En: Xavier Magnon is a professor Public Law at the University of Aix-Marseille. He is also the Director of the Louis Favoreu Institute. Xavier.
Bertrand Mathieu, Monaco Professor, Faculty of Law, Sorbonne-University Paris I, Senior Member of the Council of State, Vice-President of IACL. (link sends e-mail)
Robert Alexy Germany Professor emeritus at the Christian Albrecht’s University, Kiel, Germany. He has written extensively on legal argumentation, constitutional rights, and legal philosophy in general. Among his books are A Theory of Legal Argumentation. The Theory of Rational Discourse as Theory of Legal Justification (1978; Clarendon 1989), A Theory of Constitutional Rights (1985; Oxford 2002), and The Argument from Injustice: A Reply to Legal Positivism (Oxford 2002).
Martin Borowski, Germany Prof. Borowski is the Chair of Public Law, Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law at the University of Heidelberg.
Anja Seibert-Fohr, Germany As of 1 January 2020, Professor Dr. Anja Seibert-Fohr serves as a judge at the European Court of Human Rights. Since 2016 she has been the Director of the Institute for Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law at the University of Heidelberg and holds the chair of Hengstberger for Public Law, International Law and Human Rights. She is a former member and Vice-Chair of the UN Human Rights Committee. Dr. Seibert-Fohr directed the Minerva Research Group on Judicial Independence at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Her current research focuses on International Human Rights Law, International Dispute Settlement, Rule of Law Development, Constitutional Law and Comparative Law.
Jorg Fedtke, Germany Professor in Comparative Law. Main interests are public law (both constitutional and administrative). Tort law, and comparative methodology.
Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, Germany Professor Dr. Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, specialized in public law, philosophy of law, and constitutional history. Two of her research interests are: National and European Constitutional Law and Comparative Constitutional Studies.
Matthias Ruffert, Germany Born 1966; 1987-1992 Legal Studies in Passau, Trier (both Germany) and London (King’s College); 1992/1993 Stagiaire at the European Commission (DG XI – Environment); 1994-1996 Legal Traineeship; 1996 Dr. iur. in Trier, Assistant of Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schröder, 2000 Dr. iur. habil. in Trier; 2002-2016 Professor of Public Law, European Law and Public International Law at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany; Visiting Professor at the Université de Paris XI, Sceaux (2006), the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole (2016) and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2017); 2011-2014 Jean Monnet Professor, 2013-2016 Academic Co-ordinator of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence; 2006-2016 Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Thuringia; 2010-2015 Member of the Thuringian Constitutional Court; 2008-2016 Member of the Review Board “Jurisprudence” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/German National Science Foundation (from 2010 onwards as spokesperson); since April 2016 Professor of Public Law and European Law at the Law Faculty of the Humboldt University Berlin; Spokesperson of the Research Training Group “Dynamic Integration (DynamInt at Humboldt University Berlin (funded by the German Research Foundation – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). Location: Unter den Linden 11, Room 104a. Phone: +30 2093 91452
Vassiliki Christou, Greece Assistant Professor for Constitutional Law at the University of Athens, Law Faculty. She has worked as a tutor for American Constitutional Law at Heidelberg Center for American Studies (2005), and as an academic assistant at the University of Mannheim (2005-2006).
Gabor Halmai, Hungary Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the European University Institute in Florence.
Mauro Barberis, Italy Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy. His research is focused on general jurisprudence, history of legal, political and constitutional thought.
Andrea Giannaccari, Italy Associate Professor of Comparative Law in several universities including, among the others, LUISS Guido Carli – Rome, Ghent University, Università di Siena and Erasmus University Rotterdam. He also collaborates with the Research Department of the Italian Constitutional Court.
Francesco Biagi, Italy Senior Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna, as well as a Researcher at the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development (a partnership between the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe and the University of Bologna). From October 2015 to January 2017 he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law (Heidelberg), where he now works as a legal consultant.
Valentina Rita Scotti, Italy Ph.D. in Comparative Public Law and is Post-doctoral Researcher at the Koç University Law School. She publishes in Italian and international reviews and edited volumes on constitutionalism and human rights in the Mediterranean area, cross-fertilization of legal models and parliamentary cooperation.
Maria Elisa D’Amico Italy, Italy University Professor, Constitutional law at University of Milan. Deputy Rector for Legality, Transparency, Rights and Equality.
Nik de Boer, Netherlands Nik de Boer is Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at the Amsterdam Law School. His research focuses on constitutional law, EU law and political theory. In 2018 he received his PhD degree cum laude from the University of Amsterdam. His doctoral thesis ‘Judging European Democracy’ was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the Dutch Association of Constitutional Law and offers a systematic analysis of how we should assess the democratic legitimacy of the national constitutional courts’ review of European law.
Gohar Karapetian, Netherlands Gohar Karapetian is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen. She holds a Research LL.M. (cum laude) in constitutional law and EU law from Groningen. In January 2020, Karapetian defended cum laude her doctoral dissertation “Morganatic Citizenship” at the University of Groningen. To this end, she conducted research at Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. Her research interests are in the fields of constitutional law and citizenship.
Aalt Willem Heringa, Netherlands Head of the Public Law Department. Author and editor of numerous books and articles on Dutch Constitutional law, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter, comparative constitutional law, US constitutional law, Human Rights and legal education. Author of blogs on the Montesquieu Institute website.
Reijer Passchier, Netherlands Assistant Professor in Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University and an Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law and Legal Theory at the Open University. Reijer’s current research focuses on questions surrounding digitisation and constitutional democracy.
Douwe Jan Elzinga, Netherlands Professor of Constitutional Law at University of Groningen.
Nicole Hoogstra, Netherlands Lecturer Constitutional and Administrative law University of Groningen
Joep Koornstra, Netherlands Lecturer and researcher at Department of Constitutional law, Administrative Law and Public Administration at the University of Groningen.
Tom Barkhuysen, Netherlands Tom Barkhuysen is Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University and a practising Member (advocaat) of the Amsterdam Bar as a partner at Stibbe. He is a Member of the Board of Netherlands Law Journal (as from 2010) and the Editorial Board of the Ars Aequi Libri Publishers Series on Constitutional and Administrative Law. He is also a Member of the Editorial Board of the Kluwer online Guide to Administrative Law and the Kluwer Case Law Series on Administrative Law (Administratiefrechtelijke Beslissingen). He is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Review of European Administrative Law. He participates in a number of (international) research networks and is a Visiting Fellow of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He is a member of the board of the Dutch Comparative Law Association and the Law and Public Administration working group of EGPA. His research, teaching and counseling concern many aspects of Constitutional, Administrative, European (EU and ECHR) and International Law. He has a special interest for the relationship/interaction between these fields of law as well as for human rights issues. As a lawyer he also litigates in these fields of law before national and European courts.
Ymre Schuurmans, Netherlands Ymre Schuurmans is Scientific Director of the Institute of Public law and full professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University, in particular the Law of Administrative Procedure.
Wim Voermans, Netherlands Wim Voermans is Professor of Constitutional and Administrative law at Leiden University. His current research and teaching focuses on the theory and practice of constitutional law (worldwide), on comparative constitutional law and European law. Voerman’s research takes a special interest in the working and (social, economic and political) effects of constitutional law – based on his thesis of constitutional law working as literature. He studies constitutional legitimacy issues, overall observance and performance of constitutional systems.
Luis Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Portugal Former Professor Constitutional Law of the EU at the European University Institute. Maduro has published articles on issues of EU law, constitutional law, human rights law and international economic law. He belongs to the editorial or advisory board of several law journals. From 2013 to 2015, Professor Maduro was Minister Deputy to the Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development in Portugal. From 2003-2009 he served as Advocate General at the European Court of Justice. He has been Member of the European Council of Foreign Relations, Member of the European Council of the World Economic Forum, and Member of the European Commission High Level Group on Media Pluralism and Media Freedom. He was Chairman of the Governance and Review Committee of FIFA from June 2016 – May 2017.
Kevin YL Tan, Singapore Kevin YL Tan specializes in Constitutional and Administrative Law, International Law and International Human Rights. He graduated with an LLB (Hons) from the Faculty of Law at the National University of Singapore and holds an LLM and JSD from the Yale Law School. He currently holds Adjunct Professorships at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where he teaches constitutional law, international law and international human rights.
Jurij Toplak, Slovenia Jurij Toplak is a constitutional scholar, election law, and disability law expert. He is a professor of law at the University of Maribor and a visiting professor at the Fordham University School of Law in New York. The Guardian, Wall Street Journal and The Boston Globe published his legal comments.
Samo Bardutzky, Slovenia Between 2013 and 2017, Samo worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Kent Law School within the framework of a European Research Council funded project on the Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance. In 2014, he spent a month as Visiting Researcher at the Walter Hallstein Institute for European Constitutional Law, Humboldt University, Berlin. He was also Teaching Fellow (EU Law) at SOAS, University of London School of Law in 2015/2016. Samo served as Senior Legal Advisor to the Slovenian Ministry of Justice between 2009 and 2012. Since February 2017, he is Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law.
Jacobo Rios Rodriguez, Spain Maître de Conférences en droit public à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, où il est également coordinateur des programmes internationaux. “Maître de Conférences” in International Public Law at the Faculty of Law of University of Perpignan Via Domitia (Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer, french civil servant), where he is also Coordinator of International Programs.
Didem Yilmaz, Turkey Graduated from Galatasaray University Faculty of Law in 2000, she obtained the LLM and PhD degrees from the Institute of Social Sciences of the same university in the field of public law. Currently she is working at Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Law as the assistant professor at the Constitutional Law Department.
Serkan Köybaşı, Turkey Assistant Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law at Bahçeşehir University.
Anthony T. (Tom) Caso, US Anthony T. Caso earned his J.D. from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and M.B.A. from Golden Gate University. Professor Caso joined the Chapman faculty in 2008 as a Visiting Associate Clinical Professor and Director of the Constitutional Jurisprudence Clinic. Prior to joining the faculty Professor Caso held a variety of positions at Pacific Legal Foundation, including service as its Senior Vice President and Chief Counsel. Professor Caso’s litigation experience includes successful cases at every level of the state and federal court system, including the California Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. Professor Caso has taught as an Adjunct Professor of State Constitutional Law at McGeorge School of Law and an adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco, College of Professional Studies. In addition to directing the Constitutional Jurisprudence Clinic, Professor Caso teaches Administrative Law.
Paul Craig, UK Paul Craig is Emeritus Professor of English Law, St John’s College, Oxford. He spent his academic career at Oxford, where his research interests were Constitutional law, Administrative law, EU law, and Comparative Administrative law. He has written widely on all of these subjects. He is a Visiting Professor at NYU Abu Dhabi teaching Constitutional and Administrative Law.
Ronan McCrea, UK Professor in University College London. Her research focuses on comparative constitutional law, European Union Law and public law.
Andrew Harding, UK A leading Asian law scholar working on Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar, as well as comparative law and law and development. He is a former Director of the Centre for Asian Legal Studies and the Asian Law Institute at the National University of Singapore, where he is now based. He recently edited Constitutionalism and Legal Change in Myanmar (Hart Publishing, January 2017). He is currently co-editing, with Professor Albert Chen, a book on constitutional courts in Asia for Cambridge University Press.