
Welcome to the Constitutional Network Building Platform in the MENA Region and Europe.

The platform is part of the “Constitutional Justice Platform for the MENA-Region and Europe” Initiative, implemented by the Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI) in collaboration of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

It is a pilot compendium providing a compilation of regional and international resources and references, key players and constitutional institutions.

Our aim is to promote constitutional justice in the MENA region through the development of an interactive knowledge platform centering constitutional concepts, culture, and knowledge across Arab countries through:

  • Providing access to a collection of constitutional information including constitutions, constitutional courts laws, constitutional jurisprudence and publications;
  • Supporting and sharing resources including who’s who in the field, events and activities to promote constitutional knowledge across Arab countries;
  • Building bridges of knowledge between different actors from Arab and European countries neighboring the Mediterranean Sea by establishing a network of key actors in the field of constitutional reform to exchange experiences and best practices.
  • Raising awareness on the important role of the constitutional Judiciary

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