Constitutional Courts Profile

Country: Albania   

Description: Constitutional Court of Republic of Albania. The Constitutional Court of Republic of Albania was established by Law No 8577, dated 10.02.2000, as one of the main institutions with a role to play in ensuring the emerging constitutional order in Albania. The said institution is the highest authority vested with the power to ensure observance of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, and definitely and strictly construe it. Having regard to the constitutional basis, the Constitutional Court was composed of 9 members, of which 5 were elected by the Parliament and 4 appointed by the President of the Republic. The judges elected the President of the Constitutional Court in a secret ballot. The afore-mentioned law also provided for the constitutional judges’ status, authorities and attributes. It also prescribed the entities entitled to put the Constitutional Court into motion, and the binding force of its decisions.     

Address: Aleksandër Toma, Chief of Cabinet
Phone: + 355 4 2230923

Country: Austria

Description: The Constitutional Court is responsible for verifying compliance with the provisions of the Constitution. In its capacity as a “court of fundamental rights” and based on its powers to review laws and regulations for their constitutionality, it is called upon to enforce and secure the democratic order of the state under the rule of law.

All government bodies and other institutions fulfilling government functions are obliged to comply with the Constitution. In the event of an (alleged) infringement of the Constitution by any such body or institution, the Constitutional Court, established on the basis of the Austrian Constitution, renders a final decision on the matter and, if necessary, provides for an appropriate remedy. Therefore, it is often referred to as the “guardian of the Constitution”.          

Address: Constitutional Court of Austria Freyung 8 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: + 43 (1) 53 122 0

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina         

Description: Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Annex 4 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina), which entered into force on 14 December 1995, now provides the legal framework for the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court. This gives it a completely new political and legal foundation as compared with that of the previous period.   


Country: Bulgaria

Description: The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Annex 4 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina), which entered into force on 14 December 1995, now provides the legal framework for the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court. This gives it a completely new political and legal foundation as compared with that of the previous period.

Address: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria 1594 Sofia, bul. Dondukov № 1
Phone: (+359 2) 940234005

Country: Croatia

Description: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia: Constitutional judicature was introduced in the Republic of Croatia in 1963 and the Constitutional Court began to work in 1964.
Constitutional judicature in the Republic of Croatia is divided in two historical periods:
-constitutional judicature in the former Socialist Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: SR Croatia) from 1963 to 1990 – the period when Croatia was one of the six federal units (republics) of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (hereinafter: former SFRY);
-Constitutional judicature in the Republic of Croatia after 1990 – the period after the Republic of Croatia gained independence and sovereignty.

Address: Constitutional Court Service
Phone: +385 1 6400 251
Fax: +385 1 4551 055

Country: Cyprus

Description: The Supreme Court is the highest court in the Republic. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to examine the constitutionality of any law or any conflict of power or competence which arises between any organs or authorities of the Republic. In addition the Supreme Court hears and determines any recourse by the President of the Republic regarding the compatibility with the constitution of any law enacted by the House of Representatives.  

Address: Supreme Court of Cyprus Charalambos Mouskos Str 1102 – Nicosia Cyprus

Country: Czech Republic

Description: After the dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation, the existence of a constitutional court was also provided for in the Constitution of the independent Czech Republic of 16 December 1992. The newly established Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic began its work on 15 July 1993.

The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction (pursuant to Article 87 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution), including:

to annul statutes or individual provisions thereof if they are in conflict with the constitutional order;

  • to annul other legal enactments or individual provisions thereof if they are in conflict with the constitutional order or a statute;
  • over constitutional complaints by the representative body of a self-governing region against an unlawful encroachment by the state;
  • to decide jurisdictional disputes between state bodies, state bodies and bodies of self-governing regions, and between bodies of self-governing regions, unless that power is given by statute to another body;
  • over constitutional complaints of natural or legal persons against final decisions or other encroachments by public authorities infringing constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and basic freedoms;
  • over remedial actions from decisions concerning the certification of the election of a Deputy or Senator;
  • to resolve doubts concerning a Deputy or Senator’s loss of eligibility to hold office or the incompatibility under Article 25 of some other position or activity with holding the office of Deputy or Senator;
  • over a constitutional charge brought by the Senate against the President of the Republic pursuant to Article 65, paragraph 2;
  • to decide on a petition by the President of the Republic seeking the revocation of a joint resolution of the Assembly of Deputies and the Senate pursuant to Article 66;
  • to decide on the measures necessary to implement a decision of an international tribunal which is binding on the Czech Republic, in the event that it cannot be otherwise implemented;
  • to determine whether a decision to dissolve a political party or other decisions relating to the activities of a political party is in conformity with constitutional acts or other laws;
  • to decide concerning the conformity with the constitutional order of a treaty under Article 10a or Article 49, prior to the ratification of such treaty.

Address: The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Joštova 8, 660 83 Brno 2 CZECH REPUBLIC
Phone: (420) 542161111

Country: France     

Description: Constitutional Council, Le Conseil constitutionnel a été institué par la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958. Sa création constitue une innovation dans l’histoire constitutionnelle française. Il veille au respect de la Constitution et notamment des droits et libertés qu’elle garantit.

Address: 2, rue de Montpensier 75 001 Paris
Accès : métro lignes 1 et 7, arrêt Palais-Royal – Musée du Louvre ou ligne 14, arrêt Pyramides.

Country: Germany 

Description: The Federal Constitutional Court. The Federal Constitutional Court is responsible for ensuring adherence to the Basic Law. Since its establishment in 1951, the Court has helped ensure respect for and give effect to Germany’s free democratic basic order. This applies in particular to the enforcement of fundamental rights. All bodies exercising public authority are obliged to observe the Basic Law. In the event of disputes regarding the Basic Law, proceedings may be brought before the Federal Constitutional Court. Its decisions are final and binding on all other state organs.
The work of the Federal Constitutional Court also has a political impact. This is particularly evident when the court declares a law unconstitutional. But the court is not a political organ. Its standard is solely the Basic Law. Questions of political expediency should not play a role for the court. It only determines the constitutional framework within which politics can develop. The limitation of state power is a hallmark of the modern democratic constitutional state.

Address: Federal Constitutional Court, PO Box 1771, 76006 Karlsruhe)

Country: Greece

Description: Supreme Special Court, The Supreme Special Court (Ανώτατο Ειδικό Δικαστήριο) is a specialized court, similar to a Constitutional Court in that most disputes within its jurisdiction are constitutional in nature. The Court is provided for in Article 100 of the Greek Constitution and is responsible for ruling on the validity of parliamentary elections, removing Members of Parliament from office or resolving conflicts between Greece’s three high courts. Judgments of the Supreme Special Court are final and are not subject to appeal.

The Supreme Special Court is not a permanent court. The court only sits when a case to it’s special competence arises. The court should be regarded as a supreme constitutional court of Greece, deciding on cases involving the constitutionality of laws and electoral disputes. The decisions of the court are final, and binding for all courts including the supreme courts. The court consists of 11 members, which include the 3 presidents of the supreme courts (Supreme court, council of state and court of audit), 4 judges of the supreme court and 4 judges of the council of state.    

Country: Italy          

Description: The Constitution itself provides for the institution of the Court and its basic functions (Art. 134), its composition (Art. 135), and the effects of its decisions on statutes (Art. 136). Further regulation of the Court and its activities was, however, deferred to subsequent constitutional laws and ordinary laws which had to be approved before the Court could concretely be formed and begin to function. In February 1948 the Constituent Assembly approved Constitutional Law No. 1/1948, which stipulates who can petition the Court and in what way. However, it took another five years before Constitutional Law No. 1/1953 and ordinary Law No. 87/1953 completed the regulation of the Court. Following new elections in 1953, further delays were caused by problems in reaching the agreement necessary to elect the five judges nominated by Parliament by the necessary three-fifths majority. The first full membership of the Constitutional Court was only finalized in 1955. At this point the Court was able to establish itself in the Palazzo della Consulta and to set up the necessary organizational structures, adopting its internal regulations known as the “norme integrative.” Thus, seven years after the Constitution came into force, the Court was finally able to function.     

Address: The constitutional court of Italy: Piazza del Quirinale, 41 00187 Roma

Country: Norway

Description: The Supreme Court of Norway .Norway does not have a special Constitutional Court.  The ordinary courts of law, with the Supreme Court pronouncing judgments in the final instance, have power to review the constitutionality of legislation adopted by the Norwegian parliament, and also the right to review administrative decisions. Thus ordinary courts under ordinary court proceedings deal with constitutional matters that may arise from the case in question.       


Country: Portugal

Description: Portuguese Constitutional Court: The Constitutional Court’s responsibilities are many and varied. They are set out in the Constitution and the Law Governing the Constitutional Court (LTC, Law no. 28/82 of 15 November 1982), the Law Governing Political Parties (Organisational Law no. 2/2003 of 22 August 2003), and the Law Governing the Financing of Political Parties and Election Campaigns (Law no. 19/2003 of 20 June 2003).
The most salient of the Constitutional Court’s responsibilities is that of monitoring whether legal rules comply with the Constitution. The Constitutional Court also possesses various responsibilities in relation to the President of the Republic; The Court is also empowered to hear appeals concerning losses of seat of Members of the Assembly of the Republic and of the Legislative Assemblies of the autonomous regions; intervenes in national referenda by verifying their constitutionality and legality before they take place; etc.

Address: Constitutional Court : Rua de “O Século” nº 111
1249-117 Lisboa
Phone: (351) 213 233 600
Office of the President
Phone: (351) 213 233 600
Fax: (351) 213 233 664
Office of the Vice-President
Tel: (351) 213 233 600
Fax (351) 213 233 663

Country: Slovenia 

Description: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. Constitutional Court is composed of nine Constitutional Court judges, elected on the proposal of the President of the Republic by the National Assembly. Any citizen of the Republic of Slovenia who is a legal expert and has reached at least 40 years of age may be elected a Constitutional Court judge. Constitutional Court judges are elected for a term of nine years and may not be re-elected. The President of the Constitutional Court is elected by the judges from among their own number for a term of three years.        

Address: Beethovnova ulica 10 SI-1001 Ljubljana

Country: Spain       

Description: Constitutional Court of Spain. Instituted by the Constitution of 9 December 1931 (Article 122) and governed by the Organic Law of 14 June 1933, this Constitutional Court of Guarantees was largely based on the Austrian model. It is competent, inter alia, to review the constitutionality of laws, to protect individual guarantees, to rule on conflicts of jurisdiction between the Republic and the Autonomous Communities and to review the criminal responsibility of the Head of State, the President of the Council and Ministers, the President and Judges of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor of the Republic.

Address: The Constitutional Court is based in Madrid: Doménico Scarlatti Street, No. 6 28003 – Madrid, Spain
Tel: (34) 915 508 000

Country: Turkey     

Description: The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey. The Turkish Constitutional Court was established by the 1961 Constitution. It was modeled on the European model of posteriori constitutional review.  The power to review the constitutionality of laws was endowed solely with the Constitutional Court by the 1961 Constitution.

Since the composition, powers and structure of the Court were changed considerably by the constitutional amendments in 2010, a new law was enacted in 2011. The new Law on Establishment and Rules of Procedures of the Constitutional Court (No 6216, 30 March 2011) stipulates its organization, structure, proceedings and disciplinary proceedings. The Law No. 6216 vests in the Plenary of the Court the authority to regulate its internal rules. Therefore, by-laws on the organization and procedure of the Constitutional Court are established by the Internal Regulation of the Court.     

Address: Ahlatlıbel Mahallesi İncek Şehit Savcı Mehmet Selim Kiraz Bulvarı No: 4 Postal Code: 06805 Çankaya / ANKARA
Phone:+90 (312) 463 73 00

Country: Lebanon

Constitutional Council of Lebanon:The Constitutional Council was created by law 250 of 7/14/1993, of which art. 2 provides that the Council is constituted of ten members: five appointed by Parliament by an absolute majority, and five appointed by the Council of Ministers by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Government. The constitutional council has the jurisdiction to control the constitutionality of laws and to rule on electoral disputes  related to presidential elections and disputes related parliamentary elections.

Constitutional Council: Hadath, Boulevard Camile Chamoun, no.239
Phone: 961 5 466184\5\6

Country: Syria

The high Constitutional Court in Syria: It is an independent judicial body based in Damascus. It consists of eleven members, one of whom is the head of the court. All of the members are named by the President of the Republic. The term of membership is four years, subject to renewal, starting from the date of the member taking the constitutional oath. The constitution defines the jurisdiction of the court as follows:
-Control over the constitutionality of laws and legislative decrees and regulations;

  • Issue an opinion, at the request of the President of the Republic, on the constitutionality of draft laws and legislative decrees and the legality of draft decrees;
  • Issue an opinion on the constitutionality of proposals for laws at the request of the Speaker of the People’s Assembly;
    –Oversee the election of the President of the Republic and the organization of the election procedures;
  • Seize and Consider on appeals relating to the validity of the election of the President of the Republic and members of the People’s Assembly
  • Has jurisdiction to try the president in the case of high treason

Country: Jordan

Constitutional Court of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Constitutional amendments issued on 1-10-2011 approved a special chapter for establishing the Constitutional Court in Articles 58, 59, 60 and 61, according to which the constitutional Court was established by Law no. 15 of 2012.  The Constitutional Court is considered as a cultural monument and a prominent station of the comprehensive and gradual reform stations led by his Majesty King Abdullah since before the start of the Arab Spring, the Constitutional Court is an independent body that stands alone and its provisions take effect and its judges are independent. The Constitutional Court derives its strength from the constitution which protects it and the Constitutional Court protects the constitution.

Constitutional Court: Amman – Tlaa’ Al-Ali,12 Al Hatimiah Street
P.O.b.: 1122
Postal Code: 11953
Phone: 0096265505777
Fax: 0096265513248

Country: Palestine

The Supreme Constitutional Court: The establishment of the Supreme Constitutional Court goes back to the amended Basic Law of 2003; the Constitutional Court law was passed and ratified on 17/02/2006. It was then called “the law of the Supreme Constitutional Court” No (3) of 2006, which was published in the Official Gazette No (62).
The President of Palestine issued Presidential decree No (57) for the year 2016 for the formation of the Supreme Constitutional Court, which established the first independent judicial body. The new judicial body was formed without the capacity to be modified and its competencies are exercised in accordance to law No (3) for the year 2006 and its amendments in 2017. The aim of this judicial body is to uphold to the supremacy of the Law and legal progression to establish the rule of law. The Constitutional Court Law has been amended twice, the first is according to the Law No. (19) of 2017 and the second by the Law No. (7) of 2019.

The supreme Constitutional Court of Palestine: Palestine – Al-Bireh – The Supreme Constitutional Court Building
Phone: +970-22409035
Fax: +970-22409033

Country: Iraq

Iraqi Federal Supreme Court: Ordinance No. (30) of 2005 is considered the temporary law of the Federal Supreme Court until the original law stipulated in Article (92/second) of the Constitution is legislated, whose legislation has faltered since the entry into force of the Constitution until now due to differences in views on two main points, the first related to the formation of the court and the second related to the quorum of its decisions. The Federal Supreme Court is based in Baghdad. It exercises its functions in an independent manner, with no authority over it other than the law. It is financially and administratively independent.
The Federal Supreme Court has jurisdiction over the following:
1) Overseeing the constitutionality of laws and regulations in force;
2) Interpretation of the provisions of the Constitution.
3) adjudication of cases arising from the application of federal laws, decisions, regulations, instructions and procedures issued by the federal authority;
4) Settling disputes that occur between the federal government and the governments of the regions, governorates, municipalities and local administrations.
5) Settling disputes that occur between the governments of the regions or governorates.
6) Decide on accusations against the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and the Ministers.
7) Ratify the final results of the general elections for membership in the House of Representatives.
8) A – Settling jurisdictional disputes between the federal judiciary and the judicial bodies of the region and the governorates that are not organized in a region. b- Settling jurisdictional disputes between the judicial bodies of the region or governorates that are not organized in a region.
9) To consider an appeal against the decision of the House of Representatives issued in accordance with its powers.


Country: Kuwait

The Constitutional Court of Kuwait: The Constitutional Court was established in Kuwait by virtue of Law No. (14) of 1973. The Constitutional Court is exclusively concerned with interpreting constitutional texts, and adjudicating disputes related to the constitutionality of laws and decrees by laws and regulations, and settling appeals relating to the election of members of the National Assembly or the validity of their membership. The decisions of the Constitutional Court shall be binding on all and to all courts.
The Constitution of the State of Kuwait, issued on November 11, 1962, defines the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, as it stipulates in Article (173) that “the law specifies the judicial body that is competent to adjudicate disputes related to the constitutionality of laws and regulations, and sets out its powers and the procedures it follows.”
The law guarantees the right of both the government and stakeholders to consider an appeal against the constitutionality of laws and regulations before that body.

State of Kuwait- Constitutional Court: Kuwait City, Qibla, Block 11, Fahad Al-Salem Street, Plot 900130 – State of Kuwait
Phone: 0096522418395
Fax: 0096522410070

Country: United Arab Emirates

Federal Supreme Court: The constitution determines by itself the tool by which the president and judges of the Federal Supreme Court are appointed, so to prevent any party from intruding on the judiciary from this path. There is no doubt that this is the greatest guarantee by which the judiciary achieves its independence, away from the interference of the executive authority. The Federal Supreme Court is competent to examine the constitutionality of federal laws; interpret the provisions of the Constitution. The Federal Supreme court is responsible of the accountability of ministers and chief officials of the Federation appointed by decree; Consider crimes directly affecting the interests of the Federation; Consider conflict of jurisdiction between the federal judiciary and local judicial bodies in the Emirates; Consider the conflict of jurisdiction between a judicial authority in one emirate and a judicial authority in another emirate; examine the various disputes between the Emirates members of the Federation, etc

Ministry of Justice- UAE: Khalifa City (A), Sector 133 , Street 12
P.O.Box: 260
Phone: +97126921000
Fax: +97126810680

Country: Bahrain

The Constitutional Court – Kingdom of Bahrain: The Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Bahrain was established by Decree-Law No. 27 of 2002, issued on September 14, 2002 AD. The court is composed of a president, a vice president, and five members appointed by royal order for a period of five years, not renewable for one time. The Court exercises both prior and post-constitutional oversight. At the level of prior oversight, His Majesty the King can refer to the court draft laws before issuing them to determine their compliance with the Constitution, and its report in this regard is binding to all state authorities. As for the post control, the court exercises it at the request of the President The Council of Ministers, the Speaker of the Shura Council, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Either by automatic referral from the subject courts. Either by settling the unconstitutionality of a provision in a law or regulation established by one of the litigants during the consideration of a case before a court.

The Constitutional Court: P.O.Box:18380- Manama- Kingdom of Bahrain Blg. No. 94 – Block 304 – Government Street – Manama – Kingdom of Bahrain Delmon Building (1) No. 121 – Block 304 – Government Street – Manama – Kingdom of Bahrain Phone: 17578181(973+)
Fax: 17224475 (973+)  

Country: Qatar

Supreme Constitutional Court of Qatar: The Supreme Constitutional Court is established by Law no. 12 of 2008. The Supreme Constitutional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to carry out the following duties: 12-1. To settle disputes relating to the constitutionality of the laws and regulations of the country. 12-2. To settle disputes relating to jurisdiction by determining the competent court that should hear the case. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction to review upon appeal any decision of a lower court on any matter of law or legal inference. 12-3. To settle disputes relating to the execution of the contradictory final judgments issued by judicial bodies or bodies having judicial jurisdiction. 12-4. To interpret the provisions of laws where disagreement in their application arises and where unification of their interpretation is requested by the Prime Minister or the Speaker of Shura Council.

Country: Yemen

Supreme Court in Yemen: The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body in the republic and its headquarters are in the capital, Sana’a. The court has the jurisdiction to:
1) Overseeing the constitutionality of laws, regulations and decisions;
2) Settling jurisdictional disputes between judicial authorities.
3) Adjudicating electoral appeals.
4) Settling appeals and final judgments acquired to the degree of peremptory, in civil, commercial, criminal, personal status, administrative disputes and disciplinary cases.
5) Judicial oversight of all courts in the Republic.
6) adjudicating by appealing in cassation the final judgments in military crimes and trials of officials of higher authorities, taking into account the provisions of Articles (101 and 111) of the Constitution.


Country: Egypt

Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt: The Supreme Constitutional Court is a specialized court comprised of a President (or Chief Justice) and ten Vice-Presidents (or Deputy Chief Justices), with the primary role of deciding the constitutionality of laws.
The Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) selects its own chief justice and other justices, and even decides how many justices will serve on the court.
It is one of Egypt’s most powerful and autonomous institutions of government, with a history of battles with authoritarian regimes and of rejecting laws that exclude certain groups from political participation or that tilt the political playing field in favor of government-approved political parties.
Article 192 of the 2014 constitution provides that the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC): “is exclusively competent to decide on the constitutionality of laws and regulations, interpret legislative texts, and adjudicate in disputes pertaining to the affairs of its members, in disputes between judicial bodies and entities that have judicial mandate, in disputes pertaining to the implementation of two final contradictory rulings, one of which is issued by any judicial body or an agency with judicial mandate and the other issued by another body, and in disputes pertaining to the implementation of its rulings and decisions.”
Article 192 also provides, “The law defines the Court’s other competencies,” which authorizes statutory expansion of SCC jurisdiction.

Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt: Corniche el Niil- AlMaadi- Cairo-Egypt
Phone: 20 2 25267629

Country: Libya

Supreme Court of Libya: The Supreme Court of Libya was established by Law No. 6 of 1982. Its permanent headquarters is in Tripoli. The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction over the following issues: 1) Appeals filed by any person with a direct personal interest in any legislation that is inconsistent with the Constitution. 2) Any substantive legal issue related to the Constitution or its interpretation raised in a case before any court. 3) Conflict of jurisdiction between courts. 4) A dispute that arises regarding the implementation of two contradictory final judgments, one issued by the courts and the other by an exceptional judicial authority. In this case, the court may order a stay of execution of one or both of the two judgments until it decides on the subject matter of the dispute….

Supreme Court of Libya: Tripoli – Zawiya Dahmani
Benghazi – Rafiq Al-Mahdawi Street
Phone Tripoli: +218-21-3403725/27
Benghazi: +218-61-9090690

Country: Algeria

Constitutional Court in Algeria: The Constitutional Court is an independent constitutional oversight institution created by the constitutional founder in the Constitutional Amendment of 2020 in place of the Constitutional Council, tasked with ensuring respect for the constitution and controlling the functioning of institutions and the activity of public authorities. The Constitutional Court consists of twelve (12) members representing the executive authority, the judicial authority and the electoral body. With the constitutional founder excluding parliament from representation within the constitution of the Constitutional Court, the constitutional founder also expanded the powers of the Constitutional Court compared to the Constitutional Council. In the constitutional amendment in 2020, the constitutional founder preserved some characteristics and components of the Constitutional Council within the Constitutional Court, and at the same time he distinguished the Constitutional Court with many characteristics and constituents that were not present in the Constitutional Council, in terms of membership and function.

Website of the Constitutional Council: Bd du 11 décembre1960, El-Biar – Alger
(213) 21 92 27 70 /  (213) 21 92 27 71 – 72- 73
Fax:  (213) 23 25 38 13

Country: Morocco

Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Morocco: The history of the constitutional judiciary in the Kingdom of Morocco dates back to the first years of independence when the 1962 constitution stipulated the establishment of a constitutional chamber in the Supreme Council as the highest body in the judicial organization. Within the scope of the broad and deep constitutional reforms approved by the Kingdom in accordance with the Constitution issued on July 29, 2011, a Constitutional Court was created – replacing the Constitutional Council – with broader powers and, in particular, open to people to defend the rights and freedoms guaranteed to them constitutionally. The court is responsible for monitoring the constitutionality of laws and regulations, monitoring the validity of the procedures for reviewing the constitution, monitoring the validity of parliamentary elections and referendums, and deciding on disputes between Parliament and the government.

Constitutional Court: Rabat- Mulay Street
Phone: 0537737282
Fax: 0537728002

Country: Tunisia

The Constitutional Court: The Constitutional Court was established by virtue of Basic Law No. 2015-50 dated December 3, 2015. Article 118 of the Constitution stipulates that: “The Constitutional Court is an independent judicial body composed of twelve qualified members, three-quarters of whom are legal specialists with at least twenty years of experience…” The Constitutional Court has jurisdiction over:
1) Monitoring the constitutionality of treaties; 2) monitor the constitutionality of draft laws and laws; 3) Monitoring the constitutionality of the internal system of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People, in addition to the other tasks assigned to the Constitutional Court:
– the dismissal of the President of the Republic; Receiving the oath of office of the President of the Republic; Disputes related to the competence of the President of the Republic and the Head of Government:
Since its creation in the 2014 constitution, Tunisia’s Constitutional Court has not yet been established.
The temporary commission to monitor the constitutionality of bills was established. It is an independent temporary judicial body in Tunisia that specializes in monitoring the constitutionality of bills. The commission enjoys administrative and financial autonomy within the framework of the state budget. It was created on April 18, 2014 and its members were appointed on the following April 22.
This body came as compensation for the Constitutional Council of the Republic, which was dissolved in 2011 following the Tunisian revolution, while its tasks end when the Constitutional Court is established. President Kais Saied issued a presidential order on September 22, 2021 to abolish the temporary authority to monitor the constitutionality of laws


Country: Mauritania

Le Conseil Constitutionnel: Crée par l’Ordonnance n° 92-04 du 18 Février 1992, portant loi Organique, le conseil constitutionnel figure parmi les institutions de la République prévues par la constitution, au Titre VI dans la Rubrique (Du Conseil Constitutionnel).
Les dispositions de la Constitution , complétées par l’Ordonnance n°92-04 du 18 Février 1992 modifiée, portant loi Organique sur le Conseil Constitutionnel, fixent ses règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement, d’attributions et de procédure. Le Conseil Constitutionnel comprend neuf(9) membres, dont le mandat est de neuf (9) ans, non renouvelable.
Le Conseil Constitutionnel se renouvèle par tiers (1/3) tous les trois ans.
Pour garantir leur indépendance, la constitution prévoit que les membres du conseil constitutionnel sont nommés pour un mandat de neuf(9) ans, non renouvelable.
Les membres du conseil constitutionnel doivent être âgés de trente-cinq (35 ) ans au moins . Ils jouissent de l’immunité parlementaire.
Les membres du conseil constitutionnel ne peuvent appartenir aux instances dirigeantes des partis politiques.
le conseil constitutionnel a des attributions en matière constitutionnelle, en matière électorale, référendaire, consultative et autres.
Le Conseil constitutionnel intervient pour contrôler la constitutionnalité des lois organiques, des lois ordinaires, des règlements de l’Assemblée Nationale, des engagements internationaux de la Mauritanie ainsi que du respect de la délimitation du domaine législatif et du domaine réglementaire.

Conseil constitutionnel de Mauritanie : Ilot C lot 281 Tevrag Zeina BP3205 Nouakchott République Islamique de Mauritanie
Phone: +(222)45297062 / +(222)45257380
Mobile: +(222)22059430
Website :

Country: Djibouti

Le Conseil Constitutionnel de Djibouti : Le Conseil Constitutionnel veuille conformément aux dispositions de la constitution au respect des principes Constitutionnels. Il contrôle la constitutionnalité des lois. Il garantir les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaines et des libertés publiques. Il est l’organe régulateur du fonctionnement des institutions et de l’activité des pouvoirs publics. La Loi Organique N°4/AN/93/3eme L du 7 avril 1993 fixe les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement du Conseil Constitutionnel.
